Stray From The Path sort un titre pour The Ghost Inside

EDIT DU 08/04/2016

Les américains de Stray From The Path, qui ont beaucoup tournés avec The Ghost Inside et qui sont aussi très amis, viennent de mettre en ligne via BandCamp un titre intitulé "Talking Tragedy" écrit spécialement pour eux et pour qui tous l'argent sera reversé. Une très belle initiative de la part du groupe qui s'est en plus exprimé sur cette tragédie sur sa page Facebook.

Voici le lien pour écouter et acheter le morceau : Talking Tragedy.

EDIT DU 01/02/2016

Nouvel update pour The Ghost Inside, trois mois après le terrible acident de bus subit par le groupe. Après l'amputation d'Andrew Tkaczyk, celui-ci est en centre de soin pour s'habituer à la vie à une seule jambe et se préparer à recevoir une prothèse. On peut voir la vidéo à cette adresse.

Le chanteur du combo, Jonathan Vigil, a lui remarché pour la première fois samedi après 2 mois et demi allongé sur son lit d'hôpital tandis que le guitariste de The Ghost Inside, Zack Johnson, s'est quand à lui fait amputer de 2 doigts de pied comme vous pouvez le voir sur cette image (âme sensible s'abstenir).

Encore une fois nous souhaitons un bon rétablissement aux Californiens !

EDIT DU 15/01/2016

Les membres de The Ghost Inside se remettent très doucement du tragique accident de bus les ayant frappé en novembre dernier. Malheureusement pour le batteur du combo, Andrew Tkaczyk, celui-ci a révélé aujourd'hui sur son compte Instagram qu'en se réveillant de dix jours de coma, sa jambe droite avait du être amputée. Cela s'ajoute donc aux nombreuses blessures subies par chacun.

Dans son message, lisible ci-dessous, Andrew Tkaczyk indique cependant qu'il fera tout pour rejouer de la batterie pour The Ghost Inside peu importe le temps que cela prendra.

"So the rumors are true everyone! Unfortunately I did lose my leg in this accident. This is one injury among many others such as fractures in my ribs, spine, and hip along with some ligament tears in my rotator cuff and Labrum. I have remained in positive and good spirits since I woke up from a 10 day coma in November to the sight of my missing leg. Not going to let it stop me. I don't care what anyone says. It's a long road ahead, but I WILL play drums again. Can't wait to get back on the kit. Couldn't have dealt with this without the love and support from my brothers in TGI & crew, friends, fans and family. Thank you all â¤ï¸"

NEWS DU 01/12/2015

Pour ceux qui ne sont pas au courant, le groupe de hardcore américain The Ghost Inside a subit un terrible accident le 20 novembre dernier durant lequel le chauffeur de leur tour-bus ainsi que le conducteur en face sont malheureusement décédés. La plupart des membres du groupes sont encore à l'hôpital pour soigner des blessures graves - malgré le fait qu'aucun d'entre eux ne soit en danger de mort - qui vont prendre énormément de temps à guérir. Ainsi le groupe se voit obligé de se retirer de tous ses engagements scéniques pour les mois à venir.

Un internaute avait lancé à la suite de cela un crowfunding pour aider le groupe à se remettre sur pied, à pouvoir faire que les familles de chacun puisse venir du côté de El Paso, etc. Parmis les groupes ayant donnés, on notera les 10 000$ offerts par Bring Me The Horizon, les 1 000$ d'Architects et encore plus par des fans.

Ainsi dans un très long communiqué, le groupe remercie tous ses gens, les membres du staff, les gens de la ville d'El Paso pour leur accueil, les hôtels de la ville offrant des chambres, une compagnie aérienne qui a offert des billets, etc. 

A La Grosse Radio, on souhaite un bon rétablissement à The Ghost Inside et un retour très rapide dans toutes les salles du monde. In Mosh We Trust!

"Hi friends. I hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend. Through the grace of our incredible host hotels and the community here in El Paso we were able to enjoy a great meal and have a couple hours of much needed relief away from the hospital. Our families that are here aren't used to being 'on the road' and although the circumstances couldn't be less ideal, this holiday will always be a special one for us, a genuine day of giving thanks for the gift of life we have been given. And while we are grateful for this gift, our hearts are heavy for the families of Greg Hoke and Steven Cunningham who are mourning the loss of a husband, brother, son, and father. I can't begin to imagine the loss they felt with an empty chair at their dinner table.

I want to share a little bit more with you about how things are going here. The truth is, there are a lot of very serious injuries. We are dealing with badly broken legs and ankles, cracked pelvises, and fractured vertebrae that require screws, plates, rods, and careful surgery to repair. Over the last week most of these procedures have been completed very successfully, but there are still a couple more to go, and most of the guys are still in the hospital. It is yet another blessing that we are in a place with so many remarkable doctors and surgeons to make this possible.

It is going to be a long road for us to quite literally be back on our feet. We have many months of recovery, rehabilitation, and physical therapy ahead. For some of us, simply learning to walk again will be a monumental undertaking. For now, we must put all shows on hold and focus only on our health.

As a band, we've always taken pride in our ability to make friends in the music industry. Across genres and stereotypes we have forged the most amazing bonds with other musicians, and with those that simply appreciate music. Never in a million years would we have imagined ourselves in this position where all those friends across the years and across the miles would have come to our side before we even had the chance to ask for help. I'm a man of many words and I frankly cannot find them to describe how your collective generosity has kept our spirits afloat for the last ten days. There are far too many people to thank right now, and no contribution, whether thoughts, prayers, socks, shirts, $5 or $5000 has gone unnoticed. I hope that in due time we can truly show you our gratitude. In the meantime there have been a few heroes here that need to be named. Ryan Bingham, Stacey Cornett, Andrew Barquero, and Tim Irons have been our hands and feet. They have done everything that we cannot, including looking after our families. Our team behind the scenes, John Youngman, Mark Mercado, Dave Shapiro, and everyone at Epitaph records, has made sure that everyone that needs to be here, is here, and that their essential needs are taken care of. Chelsea Coffey at Hilton and the staff of the Hampton Inn and Courtyard Marriott, as well as the city of El Paso, have accommodated our families and made them feel as close to home as possible during this impossibly difficult time. Delta Airlines has graciously helped with our travel to and from all corners and coasts of the country. And also a man that rarely gets the credit he deserves, Kevin Lyman, has put his countless resources into play to ease the burdens upon us and our loved ones.

Now, more than ever, The Ghost Inside is not just 5 guys on stage, but everyone across the planet that has shared a moment with us, however large or small. Thank you for standing with us when we cannot stand on our own.

Limitless and Unbreakable,



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