Kunda feat.Omar Perry & Official Staff – Slave Ship

Slave Ship - Le clip

Repéré à l'origine par le biais du projet riddim en collaboration avec le backing band Official Staff, Kunda à fait sensation avec " Slave Ship ", chanson dans laquelle le DubPoet nous raconte le périple de nombreux êtres humains arrachés de leur terre natale pour servir d'esclaves pendant la traite négrière.


" Slave Ship " méritait d'être mis en image pour documenter au mieux les proses de Kunda et ce devoir de mémoire qu'il véhicule. Un long travail commence alors : Doc Bandol se charge de récupérer et trier des images d'archives ainsi que des extraits envoyés par le DubPoet. Ces images chargées d'histoire seront complétées par des rushs captés par Faya Gailly Perry (fille d'Omar Perry) lors d'un voyage à Zanzibar où se trouve le Slave Market Museum

Petit conseil : Regarder et écouter jusqu'au bout pour tendre une oreille sur une mouture dubé du morceau.


" Slave Ship "

Kunda feat.Omar Perry
& Official Staff

" Slave Ship "

" Slave Ship "

Afrikan from the interior
Oh, they felt the horror
Loading on the slave ship
It was a pre-dawn raid, read the page
It was a long journey to the sea, a sea
Sound of the roar something we never seen or heard before
We were thrown in the dungeon and the Pits waiting to be loaded on the ship
The screaming and the yells it's like a trap door open into hell
Loading on the slave ship

Loading on the slave ship
Loading on the slave ship yes, yes

Loading on the slave ship

Loading on the slave ship
Loading on the slave ship yes, yes

By the crack of dawn were sailing the sea through the middle passage
Oh, that stormy passage
Leaving our home, knees and elbows worn down to the bone
Some get throw off, some chuck off
Give thanks to some our ancestors that took off
All the shark a follow the crafts all the way to the wharf
Right smack in a down town Kingston the central enslave port station of the Caribbean.
After that 90 day trip, some arrive sick some look like stick, mad sick
Before we landed we were branded our body become paper stamps for their brand
England France Portugal Spain Belgium Even the dames were part of the scheme

Loading on the slave ship
Loading on the slave ship yes, yes

Oh, we felt the horror
Landing in Jamaica
Loading on the slave ship

Loading on the slave ship yes
Loading on the slave ship yes, yes

Coming of the slave ship, some no with it
They claim their taming evil spirit
Loading on the slave ship

On the slave ship

Artwork Slave Ship - Kunda feat.Omar Perry & Official Staff
Artwork by Son&Graf (Fyah P)


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